I joined because of this,

thank you 🙂

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Wow. That means so much to hear. 💙

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Loved this Jane!

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Sep 12Liked by Jane Clapp

Great reminder today ❤️ We get so “caught up” in present day versions of ourselves that we may not consider how our future parts would/will feel about our choices. I’m reminded of Pema Chodron’s book How We Live is How We Die.

Thanks Jane ❤️🙏

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This concept reminded me of another I came across a few months ago called ‘deathbed journaling’ or ‘deathbed decisions’. The idea is to take stock of how you’re living your life from the perspective of being on your death bed. If you’re struggling with deciding what to do, out yourself in the future and consider what decision would make you proud.

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Sep 14Liked by Jane Clapp

Love this.Very quantum

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Thank you SO MUCH for sharing this concept, Jane - it's an incredibly helpful tool to use in navigating a liminal space I'm in... I loved your Embodied active imagination workshop and hoping to be able to join your longer course starting in January, it would be such a treat. Thank you for your amazing work and perspectives on Soma, Psyche, Healing, Growth, Awakening and Transformation. 🤍🙏🪽🪶🌀

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